Upgrade Notes for Dropwizard 2.0.x

Dropwizard Bill of Materials (BOM)

Starting with Dropwizard 2.0.0, the io.dropwizard:dropwizard-bom artifact only specifies the versions of the official Dropwizard modules but no transitive dependencies anymore.

If you want to pin the transitive dependencies, you’ll have to use the io.dropwizard:dropwizard-dependencies artifact.

It can be used as parent POM, for which you can override individual dependency versions by setting certain Maven properties, see dropwizard-dependencies/pom.xml for a complete list.


  <!-- Use older version of Google Guava -->

Alternatively, you can also import it as a regular BOM without the possibility to override specific transitive dependency versions with a Maven property:


See also: #2897

Removed Configuration Options

The following configuration options have been removed, so Dropwizard configuration files should no longer use these options

  • soLingerTime: the configuration option would have become a noop anyways. See #2490 for more info

  • blockingTimeout: was previously used as an internal jetty failsafe mechanism, and that use case was no longer deemed necessary. If one had previously used blockingTimeout to discard slow clients, please use the new configuration options minRequestDataPerSecond and minResponseDataPerSecond

  • minRequestDataRate: has been renamed to minRequestDataPerSecond and changed from a number to a size like “100 bytes”


Dropwizard has upgraded to Eclipse Jersey 2.29, but it has come at some migration cost:

If one created a custom provider (eg: parse / write JSON differently, so a custom JacksonJaxbJsonProvider is written), you must annotate the class with the appropriate @Consumes and @Produces and register it with a Jersey Feature instead of an AbstractBinder if it been so previously.

HK2 internal API has been updated, so if you previously had a AbstractValueFactoryProvider, that will need to migrate to a AbstractValueParamProvider

Jersey Reactive Client API was updated to remove RxClient, as rx capabilities are built into the client. You only need to use Dropwizard’s buildRx for client when you want a switch the default to something like rxjava 2’s Flowable

Context injection on fields in resource instances

The given resource class has different behavior in Dropwizard 1.3 and Dropwizard 2.0 depending on how it is registered.

public class InfoResource {
    UriInfo requestUri;

    public String getInfo() {
        return requestUri.getRequestUri().toString()

There are two ways to register this resource:

public void run(InfoConfiguration configuration, Environment environment) {
    // 1. Register an instance of the resource
    environment.jersey().register(new InfoResource());

    // 2. Register the class as a resource

The first method (registering an instance) will now not work in Dropwizard 2.0. Migrating resource instances with field context injections to Dropwizard 2.0 involves pushing the field into a parameter in the desired endpoint

  public class InfoResource {
-     @Context
-     UriInfo requestUri;

-     public String getInfo() {
+     public String getInfo(@Context UriInfo requestUri) {
          return requestUri.getRequestUri().toString()

For more information see #2781

More Secure TLS

Dropwizard 2.0, by default, only allows cipher suites that support forward secrecy. The only cipher suites newly disabled are those under the TLS_RSA_* family. Clients who don’t support forward secrecy (expected to be a small amount) may now find that they can’t communicate with a Dropwizard 2.0 server. If necessary one can override what cipher suites are blacklisted using the excludedCipherSuites configuration option.

Dropwizard 2.0, by default, only supports TLS 1.2. While Dropwizard 1.x effectively only supported TLS 1.2, due to the supported cipher suites, one could still conceivably configure their server or receive a client that could negotiate a TLS 1.0 or 1.1 connection. One can still decide what TLS protocols are on the blacklist by configuring excludedProtocols

We also hope that in 2.0 it is more clear what protocols and cipher suites are enabled / disabled, as previously one would see the following statement logged on startup:

Supported protocols: [SSLv2Hello, SSLv3, TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2]

While not technically wrong, displaying the protocols that could be enabled is misleading as it makes one believe that Dropwizard employs extremely unsafe defaults. We’ve reworked what is logged to only the protocols and cipher suites that Dropwizard will expose. And log the protocols and cipher suites that Dropwizard will reject, and thus could expose them if configured to do so. So now you’ll see the following in the logs:

Enabled protocols: [TLSv1.2]
Disabled protocols: [SSLv2Hello, SSLv3, TLSv1, TLSv1.1]

Jackson Changes

DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES is now disabled by default, so unrecognized fields will now be silently ignored. One can revert back to the 1.x behavior with:

public void initialize(Bootstrap<ExampleConfiguration> bootstrap) {

Support for JDBI 2.x moved out of Dropwizard core modules

The dropwizard-jdbi module has been moved out of Dropwizard core modules (#2922).

The reason for this is that JDBI 2.x hasn’t been updated since January 2017 and the dropwizard-jdbi3 module, which targets its successor Jdbi 3.x, still is part of the Dropwizard core modules.

If you want to keep using JDBI 2.x, you can change the Maven coordinates of dropwizard-jdbi as follows:

<!-- Old artifact coordinates -->
<!-- New artifact coordinates -->


Improved validation message for min/max duration

@MinDuration / @MaxDuration have had their validation messages improved, so instead of

messageRate must be less than (or equal to, if in ‘inclusive’ mode) 1 MINUTES

one will see if inclusive is true

messageRate must be less than or equal to 1 MINUTES

if inclusive is false:

messageRate must be less than 1 MINUTES

Task execute method

The parameters argument of the Task.execute method has a slightly different Map type. Classes extending the abstract class Task should therefore change

public void execute(ImmutableMultimap<String, String> parameters, PrintWriter output) throws Exception {


public void execute(Map<String,List<String>> parameters, PrintWriter output) throws Exception {